The appearance of Frigate tuna (Hirasouda)
Common name: Frigate tuna, Bullet mackerel, Bonito, Cummalmum, Leadenall, Mackerel tuna, Frigate mackerel, Maru frigate mackerel, Plain bonito
Japanese name: Hirasouda (平騒多鰹、平宗太鰹), Soudagatsuo (騒多鰹、宗太鰹)
Taiwan common name: 扁花鰹、煙仔魚、油煙、花煙、平花鰹、憨煙、平花煙、腩肚煙 (澎湖)
Chinese common name: 扁舵鲣
Korean common name: 물치다래
Scientific name: Auxis thazard (Lacepède, 1800)
Nigiri sushi detail: Frigate tuna (Hirasouda) Nigiri sushi
Frigate tuna (Hirasouda) is distributed in southern Japan and temperate and tropical waters around the world. They swim in large schools, mainly along the coast and offshore. The total length of the fish is 30~40 cm, reaching a maximum of 60 cm. Its body is spindle-shaped, is more strongly flattened, and has a higher body height than the closely related Bullet tuna (Marusouda).
Hirasouda is more popular than Marusouda and is often distributed as a fresh fish. On the other hand, Marusouda is often used as raw material for Soda Bushi. It is moderately tender and blends well with sushi rice. It has less acidity than bonito, and the umami and sweetness under the skin are irresistible.
Originally, it was landed in very large quantities and was a familiar fish, but in recent years its catch has been decreasing and its distribution price has become higher.
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