The appearance of Gray rockfish (Kuromenuke)
Common name: Blue rockfish, Gray rockfish
Japanese name: Kuromenuke (黒目抜、青曹以)
Taiwan common name: -
Chinese common name: 银平鲉
Korean common name: -
Russia common name: Голубой морской окунь
Scientific name: Sebastes glaucus Hilgendorf,1880
Nigiri sushi detail: Gray rockfish (Kuromenuke) Nigiri sushi

The appearance of Gray rockfish (Kuromenuke) nigiri
Gray rockfish (Kuromenuke) are distributed north of Iwate Prefecture, in the northern Sea of Japan, the Sea of Okhotsk, and the Bering Sea. It is a somewhat deep-sea species, inhabiting sandy and muddy bottoms. Its body color is dark brown with yellowish-green speckles. The body length is 20-25 cm, reaching up to 50 cm.
Its flesh does not harden when heated. The skin is thick and has a delicious flavor, so it is deliciously grilled or simmered with the skin on. In particular, salted broiling is recommended as it is full of sweetness and the flesh loosens up nicely. Of course, if the fish is fresh, sashimi is also delicious. It is also good to make Ara ((the leftover parts of a fish after it has been filleted)) soup. Rarely, you can find it in supermarkets in the Kanto region, either filleted or as a whole fish. However, Nigiri sushi is rarely seen in Kanto area.