Hilgendorf’s saucord (Yumekasago)

a photo of Hilgendorf's saucord (Yumekasago)

The appearance of Hilgendorf’s saucord (Yumekasago)

Common name: Hilgendorf’s saucord, Hilgendorf’s rosefish

Japanese name: Yumekasago (夢笠子)

Taiwan common name: 赫氏無鰾鮋、無鰾鮋、虎格、紅黑喉、紅虎魚、深海石狗公、黑肚、石頭魚、虎頭魚

Scientific name: Helicolenus hilgendorfii (Döderlein, 1884)

Nigiri sushi detail: Hilgendorf’s saucord (Yumekasago) Nigiri sushi


Hilgendorf’s saucord (Yumekasago) is distributed south of Iwate Prefecture, the East China Sea, and the southern Korean Peninsula. It inhabits sandy or sandy-muddy bottoms at depths of 150~300m along the coast. The body length is 20~30 cm. Reach a maximum of 40cm. Its body color is light red with four reddish-brown transverse bands on the sides of the body.

Yumekasago are sometimes called Blackthroat seaperch (Nodoguro) because of their black throat and peritoneum, but they are a completely different species from the Akamutsu, which is also called Nodoguro. The larger the Yumekasago, the fattier and tastier it is, so if you can get a large one, it is best to eat it as sashimi. Of course, it is also excellent as Nigiri sushi. It is mainly boiled, salted, grilled, or fried.


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