Jack-knife shrimp (Higenagaebi) are widely distributed in the tropical western Pacific Ocean, from Suruga Bay to southeastern Australia. They live on the sandy bottoms of the deep sea, at depths of 200-600m. Adult jack-knife shrimp are around 15cm long, with some reaching 20cm. Their body color is a pinkish orange.
Higenagaebi have a strong sweet flavor and a sticky texture. It is mainly caught in deep-sea trawls and eaten raw or deep-fried. It is a relatively common deep-sea shrimp and its meat is good, so it is an important food source in the areas where it is caught.
It is widely caught off the coast of Akune and Makurazaki in Kagoshima Prefecture, and it is especially common in the area where hot springs gush out from the seabed. The fishing of this shrimp begins in April.

The appearance of Jack-knife shrimp (Higenagaebi)
Common name: Royal red prawn, Pink prawn
Japanese name: Higenagaebi (鬚長蝦)
Taiwan common name: -
Chinese common name: -
Korean common name: -
Scientific name: Haliporoides sibogae (De Man,1911)

The appearance of Jack-knife shrimp (Higenagaebi) nigiri
Nigiri sushi detail: Jack-knife shrimp (Higenagaebi) Nigiri sushi