Tokusen Honjozo Katsuragawa (特撰本醸造 桂川) is not a sake that goes well with nigiri sushi. The reason I’m introducing it is because it goes perfectly with norimaki. Namida maki is the best choice. I haven’t confirmed this, but apparently adding a little sugar to wasabi softens the bitterness and brings out the spiciness and aroma more. It is a sweet sake that goes well with chilled sake, so it may go well with wasabi.
Even though it is sweet, it does not contain added sugar or other sweeteners. It is a sake that makes the most of the natural sweetness of glutinous and non-glutinous rice. The wisdom of the brewers and many others who have worked to make this sake delicious over the past 100 years is also alive in this sake.
Rice polishing ratio:60%
Sake meter value:–
Amino acid content:-