The appearance of Western scorpionfish (Fusakasago)
Common name: Western scorpionfish, Fire fish
Japanese name: Fusakasago (総笠子、総瘡魚、房笠子、房瘡魚)
Chinese common name: 后颌鲉
Korean common name: 점감펭
Scientific name: Scorpaena onaria (Jordan and Snyder, 1900)
Nigiri sushi detail: Western scorpionfish (Fusakasago) Nigiri sushi

The appearance of Western scorpionfish (Fusakasago) nigiri
Western scorpionfish (Fusakasago) is distributed south of central Honshu, New Caledonia, parts of the east coast of Australia, and Taiwan. It lives at depths from 40 to 200 meters and is most commonly found in reef areas at depths of around 100 meters. The body is reddish brown with a single large black spot on the dorsal fin. The total length of the fish is about 15-25 cm, and it does not grow very large, up to about 30 cm, so it is easily confused with a juvenile Scorpionfish (Izykasago).
It is a white-fleshed fish without any peculiarity, so much so that some say it tastes better than Izykasago. The flesh is clear, but the dark red meat (chiai) is light in color, making it visually unattractive. Although it is a small fish, its taste is very good and it is suitable for various dishes such as sashimi, salted and grilled, simmered, and deep-fried. However, it is difficult to eat nigiri sushi except at local sushi restaurants.