Yellowsail red bass (Shikishimahanadai)

A photo of Yellowsail red bass (Shikishimahanadai)

The appearance of Yellowsail red bass (Shikishimahanadai)

Common name: Yellowsail red bass

Japanese name: Shikishimahanadai (敷島花鯛)

Taiwan common name: 紅魚

Chinese common name: 美花鮨、日本麗花鮨、花鱸

Korean common name: 노랑벤자리

Scientific name: Callanthias japonicus Franz, 1910

Nigiri sushi detail: Yellowsail red bass (Shikishimahanadai) Nigiri sushi

A photo of Yellowsail red bass (Shikishimahanadai) nigiri

The appearance of Yellowsail red bass (Shikishimahanadai) nigiri


Yellowsail red bass (Shikishimahanadai) is distributed in southern Japan, the East China Sea, and Taiwan. It inhabits rocky or sandy gravel bottoms at depths of 50~200m. In other words, it is not a coral reef fish. Its body shape is oval and laterally flattened. The body color is reddish purple with a slightly yellowish ventral surface. Its body length is between 15 and 25 cm.

It has a beautiful body color, but is said to have little flavor when eaten. The flesh is slightly watery, but has no peculiarity at all. The skin is thick and firm, and has a strong aroma when seared. The bones are not hard, so it is delicious simmered, cooked in broth, or fried. It is also processed into dried fish. It is understandable why fishermen say that all red fish are good. However, there are almost no sushi restaurants that serve nigiri sushi.

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