The appearance of Alfonsino (Nanyokinme)
Common name: Alfonsino, Berix, Beryx, Broad alfonsin, Cuvier’s berycid fis, Imperador, Longfinned beryx
Japanese name: Nanyokinme (南洋金目)
Taiwan common name: 大目金眼鯛
Scientific name: Beryx decadactylus Cuvier, 1829
Nigiri sushi detail: Alfonsino (Nanyokinme) Nigiri sushi
Alfonsino (Nanyokinme) is distributed in the seas of the world, mainly in tropical and subtropical regions. They inhabit the seafloor at depths of 100 to 1,000 meters in schools. It is narrower and taller than Splendid alfonsino (Kinmedai), and has larger dorsal fins. The total length is about 35 cm, and the maximum length reaches 50 cm.
There are four species of Kinmeda ((Splendid alfonsino, Alfonsino, Red Bream, and Flathead alfonsino)) caught in Japan. Two of these species, Kinmedai and Nanyokinme, are edible. It is caught in smaller quantities and is often consumed around the region of origin. It is also called Hirakin or Itakin because it is flatter than Kinmedai. It is convenient for restaurants because it does not lose its freshness easily due to the slow self-digestion characteristic of deep-sea fish.
It has slightly less fat, but when fresh, it is good for sashimi. The belly portion has thinner flesh, so the yield is lower than that of Kinmedai. Otherwise, it can be simmered, grilled with salt, sautéed, or dried.
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