The appearance of Atlantic tripletail (Matudai)
Common name: Atlantic tripletail, Black grunt, Black perch, Bouyfish, Brown tripletail, Conchy leaf, Dusky perch, Dusky tripletail, Flasher, Jumping cod
Japanese name: Matudai (松鯛)
Chinese common name: 松鲷、黑猪肚、打铁鲈、黑仔枣
Korean common name: 백미돔
Thai common name: ปลากะพงดำ
French common name: Chobie, Croupia roche, Croupia roche du Pacifique, Dormeur
German common name: Dreischwanzbarsch
Spanish common name: Berrugate, Berrugato, Biajaca de la mar, Biajaca de mar, Burro, Chopa, Dormilona, Dormilona del Atlántico, Dormilona del Pacífico
Portuguese common name: Acará-açu, Brejereba, Carauaçu, Cará-do-mar, Chacarona, Chancharrona, Colo-colo, Crauaçu, Dorminhoco, Dorminhoco, Furriel, Gereba
Scientific name: Lobotes surinamensis (Bloch,1790)
Nigiri sushi detail: Atlantic tripletail (Matudai) Nigiri sushi

The appearance of Atlantic tripletail (Matudai) nigiri
Atlantic tripletail (Matudai) is distributed in warm and tropical waters of southern Japan, the Pacific, Indian, and Atlantic Oceans. It can be found in inner bays and estuaries. It is tall and strongly lateralized. Similar in appearance to Japanese lates (Akame). The total length is 80~100cm.
It has white flesh and dark red meat (Chiai) with a beautiful pink color, which looks good as sashimi. The meat becomes soft and tasty when it is aged in the refrigerator for a few days. And because it stores fat under the skin, it goes well with grilled, deep-fried, or simmered dishes. Of course, it can be made into Nigiri sushi, but there are almost no sushi restaurants that can offer it.