The appearance of Banded jacopever (Tanukimebaru)
Common name: Banded jacopever
Japanese name: Tanukimebaru (狸目張), Mazoi (真ゾイ)
Scientific name: Sebastes zonatus Chen & Barsukov, 1976

The appearance of Banded jacopever (Tanukimebaru) nigiri sushi
Nigiri sushi detail: Banded jacopever (Tanukimebaru) Nigiri sushi
Banded jacopever (Tanukimebaru) is distributed from southern Hokkaido and southward to Yamaguchi and Kochi prefectures. It inhabits rocky reefs at depths of 50 m to 175 m.
Banded jacopever (Tanukimebaru) and Fox jacopever (Kitsunemebaru) are very difficult to distinguish depending on the individual. In Hokkaido and Tohoku, both species are often shipped as Mazoi without being distinguished from each other.
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