The appearance of Black cow-tongue (Shitabirame)
Common name: Black cow-tongue, Black tongue fish
Japanese name: Shitabirame (舌平目), Kurousinosita (黒牛舌)
Taiwan common name: 日本鬚鰨、牛舌、龍舌、扁魚、皇帝魚、比目魚
Chinese common name: 日本须鳎
Korean common name: 흑대기
Scientific name: Paraplagusia japonica (Temminck & Schlegel, 1846)
Nigiri sushi detail: Black cow-tongue (Shitabirame) Nigiri sushi
Black cow-tongue (Shitabirame) is distributed from Iwate Prefecture and southward to the East China Sea, South China Sea, and Taiwan. Most of them inhabit sandy or sandy-muddy bottoms at depths of 20 to 70 meters. Shitabirame is composed of Tonguefish and Soleidae. Tonguefish have both eyes on the left side of the body, while Soleidae have both eyes on the right side.
Its flesh is not peculiar, but it has a delicious flavor and can be enjoyed even when simply cooked. In French cuisine, it is commonly served in meuniere.
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