Canary chidai (Bluespotted seabream)

A photo of Canary chidai (Bluespotted seabream)

The appearance of Canary chidai (Bluespotted seabream)

Common name: Bluespotted seabream, Bluepointed porgy, Gilt-head, Goldenhead porgy, Redbanded seabream

Japanese name: Canary chidai (カナリーチダイ)

French common name: Daurade rose, Dorade rose, Pagre, Pagre rayé, Pagre à points bleus, Pagre à points bleux

German common name: Blaufleckenbrasse

Italian common name: Arata rasa, Dentici rosa, Orata, Pagro azzurro, Pagro reale maschio, Pauru ‘mperiali

Spanish common name: Hurta, Pargo sémola

Portuguese common name: Dourada, Pagro-de-pintas-azuis, Pargo, Pargo ruco, Pargo zapata, Pargo-amargo, Pargo-boi, Pargo-boio, Pargo-de-pintas-azuis, Pargo-enxofre, Pargo-ruço, Pargo-ruço, Sinapa

Scientific name: Pagrus caeruleostictus (Valenciennes, 1830)

Nigiri sushi detail: Canary chidai (Bluespotted seabream) Nigiri sushi


Canary chidai (Bluespotted seabream) is distributed in the eastern Atlantic Ocean from Portugal to Angola, in the waters of the Canary Islands, and the Mediterranean Sea. It inhabits depths of up to 200 meters. It prefers to swim close to the rocky and pebble bottom. It reaches a total length of 1 meter.

It is caught by bottom trawling and imported frozen from West Africa. It was used as a substitute for Chidai (Crimson seabream), such as for salted fish.

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