The appearance of Cinnamon flounder (Ganzobirame)
Common name: Cinnamon flounder, Flatfish, Flounder, Japanese tamper
Japanese name: Ganzobirame (雁雑平目)
Taiwan common name: 檸檬斑鮃、扁魚、皇帝魚、半邊魚、比目魚、肉瞇仔
Chinese common name: 桂皮斑鲆
Scientific name: Pseudorhombus cinnamoneus (Temminck and Schlegel,1846)
Nigiri sushi detail: Cinnamon flounder (Ganzobirame) Nigiri sushi
Cinnamon flounder (Ganzobirame) is distributed south of southern Japan, along the coast of China, the Philippines, and the South China Sea. It inhabits sandy and muddy bottoms at depths shallower than 30 meters. It is characterized by its cinnamon-colored front side and white underside. It has two eyes on the left side of its body. Its maximum length is about 50 cm.
Ganzobirame is caught in small numbers and are rarely seen, but they are delicious with clear white flesh and a sweet taste. It is delicious grilled, fried, simmered, tempura, meuniere, or dried.
It is a member of the flatfish family, but there was a time when it was curiously served as flounder at conveyor belt sushi restaurants. The reason, we imagine, is that its meat is thin and difficult to use for fillets.