Hairy stingfish (Onikasago) is distributed throughout Japan, from central Honshu and southwards. It lives in coastal rocky and coral reef areas. It is 20 to 30 cm long. Its body is red with scattered blackish-brown spots, but the color varies depending on the depth of the water. Fish that do not migrate far, such as Onikasago, have relatively little seasonal variation in taste and can be eaten deliciously all year round.
Onikasago is a fish with firm flesh, so it is better to let it mature to bring out its full flavor and make it more delicious. Also, the skin is also delicious and fatty, so it is good to make it into Yubiki or Aburi. It is also delicious when made into kobujime or carpaccio. However, you must be careful because there are poisonous spines not only on the dorsal fin but also on the operculum and anal fin.

The appearance of Hairy stingfish (Onikasago)
Common name: Frilly scorpionfish, Weedy scorpionfish, Weedy stingfish, raggy scorpionfish, Hairy stingfish
Japanese name: Onikasago (鬼瘡魚、鬼笠子)
Taiwan common name: -
Chinese common name: -
Korean common name: 쑥감펭
Scientific name: Scorpaenopsis cirrhosa (Thunberg, 1793)

The appearance of Hairy stingfish (Onikasago) nigiri
Nigiri sushi detail: Hairy stingfish (Onikasago) Nigiri sushi