Highfin grouper (Shirobuchihata)

Highfin grouper (Shirobuchihata) is found in southern Japan, the western Atlantic, and the eastern Indian Ocean. It mainly inhabits coral reefs. It is 25-35cm long. Its body is elongated and flattened on the sides. Its body color is dark brown with scattered blackish spots, but as it grows, these spots change and become smaller and more dense in adult fish.

It is thought that at least 400 species of fish around the world belong to the grouper family, making it a major faction of the perch family. Nearly 40 species are found in Japan. Shirobuchihata is small but has a good fat content, and the texture and flavor are well balanced. Ara is eaten after being boiled, so there is almost nothing to throw away. It is also good for nigiri sushi and is not inferior to other Hata.

a photo of Highfin grouper (Shirobuchihata)

The appearance of Highfin grouper (Shirobuchihata)

Common name: Blackfin cod, Bloch’s rockcod, Brown-spotted rock-cod, Highfin grouper, Marbled rockcod, Spotted grouper, Spotted rockcod, Spotty cod, Trout cod

Japanese name: Shirobuchihata (白縁羽太)

Taiwan common name: -

Chinese common name: 花点石斑鱼

Korean common name: -

French common name: Grisette, Loche de sable, Loche uitoe, Mérou haute voile

Spanish common name: Mero aleta alta

Scientific name: Epinephelus maculatus (Bloch,1790)

A photo of Highfin grouper (Shirobuchihata) nigiri

The appearance of Highfin grouper (Shirobuchihata) nigiri

Nigiri sushi detail: Highfin grouper (Shirobuchihata) Nigiri sushi

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