Japanese armorhead (Tsubodai)

a photo of Japanese armorhead (Tsubodai)

The appearance of Japanese armorhead (Tsubodai)

Common name: Japanese armorhead, Japanese boarfish, Bottlemouth porgy, Spearfin boarhead, Boarfish

Japanese name: Tsubodai (壺鯛)

Taiwan common name: 日本五棘鯛、五棘鯛、旗鯛

Chinese common name: 日本五棘鲷

Korean common name: 사자구

Scientific name: Pentaceros japonicus Steindachner, 1883

Nigiri sushi detail: Japanese armorhead (Tsubodai) Nigiri sushi

A photo of Japanese armorhead (Tsubodai) nigiri

The appearance of Japanese armorhead (Tsubodai) nigiri


Japanese armorhead (Tsubodai) is distributed along the coast of Japan south of central Honshu and the northern Palau Ridge. The body length is about 30 cm. The body is quite strongly laterally flattened. Its body color is purple-gray, and its abdomen has a silvery-white sheen. Juveniles spend their lives in the surface layer, but when they grow to about 10 cm in length, they move to deeper waters, about 100~400 m deep.

The dried Japanese armorhead (Tsubodai) that appears on store shelves is often slender (Kusakaritubodai). Tsubodai are rarely seen, but they are delicious as sashimi. The beautiful dark red meat (Chiai) and the sweetness of the refined fat are irresistible.


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