The appearance of Japanese stargazer (Mishimaokoze)
Common name: Japanese stargazer
Japanese name: Mishimaokoze (三島鰧、三島虎魚、沼島鰧、沼島虎魚)
Taiwan common name: 日本鰧、大頭丁、眼鏡魚、含笑、向天虎、日本瞻星魚
Chinese common name: 日本鰧
Korean common name: 얼룩통구멍
Scientific name: Uranoscopus japonicus Houttuyn, 1782

The appearance of Japanese stargazer (Mishimaokoze) nigiri sushi
Nigiri sushi detail: Japanese stargazer (Mishimaokoze) Nigiri sushi
The Japanese stargazer (Mishimaokoze) is distributed throughout Japan except Okinawa and in the South China Sea. It inhabits sandy muddy bottoms from shallow coastal waters to depths of around 100m. Total length is about 20~30 cm. The body is nearly cylindrical, and the tail is slightly laterally flattened. The body color is light brown with dark reticulate patches on the dorsal surface. Although it somewhat resembles an Devil stinger (Oniokoze) in shape, it is not related to the Okoze.
Mishimaokoze is one of the so-called unused fish. It is mainly used to make fish paste such as kamaboko. Its sashimi has a strong crunchy texture similar to Japanese pufferfish (Torafugu) or Bartail flathead (Magochi). It is light, but has a unique, mild umami taste that spreads gradually. It also has an aftertaste that you would not expect from its appearance.
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