Kamchatka Flounder (Aburagarei)

Kamchatka Flounder (Aburagarei) is distributed in the northern part of the Sea of Japan, the Sea of Okhotsk, and the western part of the Bering Sea, north of Choshi. It lives in sandy or muddy areas at depths of 60 to 900 meters. It is about 90 cm long. It is oval-shaped and flattened on the sides, with both eyes on the right side of the body. The body is grayish brown on the front side and white on the back side. It is caught in large quantities from autumn to winter

It has a soft, beautiful white flesh, and is used to make fried, meuniere, simmered, grilled and steamed dishes. The cooked flesh is translucent, like raw flesh, and melts in the mouth, even though it has been cooked. It has little fishy smell or flavor, but it is acceptable because it is high in fat.

If it is fresh, it is also delicious as sashimi, and Engawa is also used in conveyor belt sushi. It contains a lot of fat, and the fish oil is used as a raw material for vitamin supplements. It is also used in processed foods such as chikuwa. It is imported frozen as fillets from Alaska and Russia, and there is also a supply of fresh fish from eastern Hokkaido and the Sanriku region.

A photo of Kamchatka Flounder halibut (Aburagarei)

The appearance of Kamchatka Flounder halibut (Aburagarei)

Common name: Kamchatka Flounder, Arrowtooth halibut, Asiatic Arrowtooth

Japanese name: Aburagarei (油鰈)

Taiwan common name: -

Chinese common name: -

Korean common name: -

French common name: Faux flétan du Japon, Flétan du Pacifique

German common name: Pfeilzahn-Heilbutt

Spanish common name: Halibut japonés

Portuguese common name: Alabote japonês

Russian common name: Палтус азиатский стрелозубый, Азиатский стрелозубый палтус

Scientific name: Atheresthes evermanni Jordan & Starks,1904

A photo of Kamchatka Flounder halibut (Aburagarei) nigiri

The appearance of Kamchatka Flounder halibut (Aburagarei) nigiri

Nigiri sushi detail: Kamchatka Flounder (Aburagarei) Nigiri sushi

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