Long-barbeled grunter (Higedai) is distributed from southern Japan to the southern part of the Korean Peninsula. It mainly inhabits rocky coastal areas, but also lives in artificial reefs and sunken ships. It is 20-35cm long and can grow up to 50cm. The back of its head is protruding, and its lower jaw is densely covered with small whiskers. Its body is blackish brown with indistinct black oblique bands. It is the largest fish in the family of the Haemulidae and can weigh up to 8kg. It is also very different from the Short barbeled velvetchin (Higesoridai) in terms of its morphology.
Higedai is caught in fixed nets and trawls, but because the catch is small, it is rarely seen on the market and is mainly eaten in the area where it is caught. The deliciousness of its high-quality white flesh can be directly enjoyed on the tongue in sashimi and sushi, and because the flesh does not become tough even when heated, it can be cooked in various ways to enjoy the delicate texture and flavor of its white flesh.

The appearance of Long barbeled grunter (Higedai)
Common name: Long barbeled grunter
Japanese name: Higedai (鬚鯛)
Taiwan common name: -
Chinese common name: -
Korean common name: -
Scientific name: Hopalogenys sennin Iwatsuki and Nakabo, 2005

The appearance of Long barbeled grunter (Higedai) nigiri
Nigiri sushi detail: Long barbeled grunter (Higedai) Nigiri sushi