The appearance of Patagonian squid (Argentine yariika)
Common name: Patagonian squid
Japanese name: Argentine yariika (アルゼンチンヤリイカ)
Scientific name: Loligo gahi d’Orbigny, 1835
Nigiri sushi detail: Patagonian squid (Argentine yariika) Nigiri sushi
Patagonian squid (Argentine yariika) is distributed in the Patagonian waters of Argentina, Chile, and Peru. It lives at depths of 80~800 m. The mantle length is about 10~20 cm. Its body is long and slender among the Loliginidae, especially the large males.
Around 1980, it began to be caught by trawlers, and mixed with Argentine shortfin squid. Although catches fluctuate widely yearly, it is one of the world’s most important squid species. It is caught in Argentine waters and frozen in Japan. The flesh is of good quality and is delicious when cooked.