The appearance of Redbanded searobin (Kanado)
Common name: Redbanded searobin
Japanese name: Kanado (金戸、金胴)
Taiwan common name: 貢氏鱗角魚、貢氏角魚、雞角、角仔魚
Chinese common name: 贡氏红娘鱼
Korean common name: 꼬마달재
Scientific name: Lepidotrigla guentheri Hilgendorf, 1879
Nigiri sushi detail: Redbanded searobin (Kanado) Nigiri sushi
Redbanded searobin (Kanado) is distributed from southern Japan to the East China Sea. It inhabits sandy muddy bottoms in shallow waters. It has two broad dark red transverse bands on the body, one on the caudal peduncle, and one on the caudal fin. The belly is white. It closely resembles the Spiny red gurnard (Houbou) but can be distinguished by the size of the fish (20 cm at most) and the much smaller pectoral fins.
Kanado is caught by bottom trawl nets but in small numbers. Its taste is said to be inferior to that of redwing searobin (Kanagashira). It is used as a raw material for fish paste products.