The appearance of Roughscale sole (Samegarei)
Common name: Roughscale flounder, Roughscale sole, Roughskin sole
Japanese name: Samegarei (鮫鰈)
Chinese common name: 粒鲽
Korean common name: 줄가자미
French common name: Plie rugueuse
Russian common name: Бородавчатая камбала
Scientific name: Clidoderma asperrimum (Temminck and Schlegel, 1846)
Nigiri sushi detail: Roughscale sole (Samegarei) Nigiri sushi

The appearance of Roughscale sole (Samegarei) nigiri
Roughscale sole (Samegarei) is distributed throughout the Japanese Islands, the East China Sea, the Yellow Sea, the Bohai Sea, Sea of Okhotsk to British Columbia, Canada. It inhabits sandy muddy bottoms at depths of 150~1000m. Its body length is about 50 cm. Its body is flattened and ovoid, with a shark-like skin with warty bumps scattered about. The body color on the eye side is dark purple. The season is from summer to winter.
It tastes very delicious, with no peculiarities or odor, moderate crunchiness, and no greasy. In addition, the taste of engawa is exceptional. It goes very well with sushi rice, and Nigiri sushi is also delicious. The meat contains a lot of fat, and the salted and dried products are also delicious. It is also used as sashimi, grilled, and simmered. However, because of its unsightly appearance, it is usually shipped “skinless dressed,” with the skin peeled off and the entrails removed.