Summer flounder (Natsubirame)

A photo of Summer flounder (Natsubirame)

The appearance of Summer flounder (Natsubirame)

Common name: Summer flounder, Flounder, Fluke, Gulf flounder, Northern fluke

Japanese name: Natsubirame (夏平目、夏鮃)

Korean common name: 섬머 플라운더

French common name: Cardeau d’été

Spanish common name: Falso halibut del Canadá

Portuguese common name: Carta-de-verão

Russian common name: Паралихт летний, камбала зубатая, палтус ложный

Scientific name: Paralichthys dentatus (Linnaeus, 1766)

Nigiri sushi detail: Summer flounder (Natsubirame) Nigiri sushi


Summer flounder (Natsubirame) is distributed mainly along the eastern coast of North America. It has a flat body. It is white below and some shade of brown, gray, or drab above.

It meat has a delicate flavor. It is mainly caught by bottom trawling but is also a popular target for sport fishing.

There are more than 20 species of flounder in the world, and in addition to Natsubirame, various other species of flounder, such as the California halibut, which inhabits the Gulf of California from Washington State on the west coast of North America, are imported to Japan in frozen or fresh form. All are used as a substitute for flatfish.

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