The appearance of Yellow goosefish (Kiankou)
Common name: Yellow goosefish, Anglerfish
Japanese name: Kiankou (黄鮟鱇、黄華臍魚、黄老婆魚、黄琵琶魚、黄蝦蟇魚)
Taiwan common name: 黃鮟鱇、鮟鱇
Chinese common name: 黄鮟鱇
Korean common name: 황아귀
French common name: Baudroie chinoise
Spanish common name: Rana pescatrice orientale
German common name: Chineser Seeteufe
Russian common name: Дальневосточный морской черт
Scientific name: Lophius litulon (Jordan, 1902)
Nigiri sushi detail: Yellow goosefish (Kiankou) Nigiri sushi
Yellow goosefish (Kiankou) is distributed from southern Hokkaido to the Yellow Sea and northern East China Sea. It inhabits the seafloor in coastal areas, mainly in sandy areas. Its body is light brown with scattered dark brown patches. The body length is 50~100 cm. The season is winter. Kiankou looks just like Anglerfish (Ankou), but it does not have white patches in its mouth.
Of the approximately 300 species of Anglerfish in the world, Ankou and Kiankou are the main edible species in Japan. Kiankou is generally referred to as Ankou or Honankou. This suggests that some mistake was made when registering the fish names.
Kiankou is a fish with nothing to throw away, as not only the tender white flesh, but also the skin, fins, and entrails can be used. The best way to eat it is as an anglerfish hot pot, deep fried, or meuniere.