The appearance of Star snapper (Fuedai)
Common name: Star snapper, White-spotted snapper
Japanese name: Fuedai (笛鯛)
Taiwan common name: 星點笛鯛、花臉、紅魚、白點仔、黃翅仔、厚唇 (澎湖)
Chinese common name: 星点笛鲷
Scientific name: Lutjanus stellatus Akazaki, 1983
Nigiri sushi detail: Star snapper (Fuedai) Nigiri sushi
Star snapper (Fuedai) is found south of central Honshu and in the South China Sea. It is 30~40 cm in length. Its body color is light red and its fins are yellowish brown. It lives in coastal reef areas and is carnivorous.
It has long been an important food fish in southern Japan south of Kyushu, and is served as sashimi, grilled with salt, or simmered. Its flesh is clear, moist, smooth, and rich in flavor, and its beautiful white flesh is highly prized as sushi material. It is rarely distributed in the Kanto region.
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