Black barred halfbeak (Hoshizayori)

Hoshizayori is distributed in temperate and tropical waters in the western Pacific, Indian Ocean, and eastern Mediterranean Sea, south of the Izu Peninsula. It mainly inhabits the coastal surface zone. The body color is bluish-green on the back side and silvery white on the belly side. The body length reaches 50 cm.

There are 12 genera and 85 species of fish in the family Sayori. The size of Hoshizayori easily exceeds that of Sayori, and the price is very cheap, so it feels like a great bargain. When eating it as sashimi to enjoy its delicacy, it is better to choose a small one, and for nigiri, a large one is better. It is not often sold in markets, so the evaluation that it is watery is doubtful.

A photo of Black barred halfbeak (Hoshizayori)

The appearance of Black barred halfbeak (Hoshizayori)

Common name: Barred garfish, Barred halfbeak, Black barred garfish, Black-barred halfbeak

Japanese name: Hoshizayori (星細魚)

Taiwan common name: 斑鱵、補網師、水針、莎優莉、簪針、七星針

Chinese common name: 斑鱵

Korean common name: -

Scientific name: Hemiramphus far (Forsskål, 1775)

A photo of Black barred halfbeak (Hoshizayori) nigiri

The appearance of Black barred halfbeak (Hoshizayori) nigiri sushi

Nigiri sushi detail: Black barred halfbeak (Hoshizayori) Nigiri sushi

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