Prawn and crab

A photo of  Whiteleg shrimp nigiri
Yellowleg shrimp (Mexico brawn ebi)

Yellowleg shrimp (Mexico brawn ebi)

【Nigiri sushi: Ebi/Kani】
What is Mexico brawn ebi?
This is simply known as Mexico shrimp. It is found on the west coasts of North and South America in the warm waters from southern California to Peru. The name is derived from the fact that most of the catch is concentrated along the Mexican coast. The maximum standard length is 18.0 cm. It occurs at depths from 15 to 100 m, common between 25 to 50 m, in bottom mud or sandy mud marine environments. Juveniles are rarely found in estuarine environments. This is one of the representative types of imported frozen shrimp and has been imported in large volumes. It is often used for nigiri sushi because of its excellent coloration and uniform size, although its flesh is a little tough. This is one of the highest grades of imported shrimp.

Sushi chefs use yellowleg shrimp first among imported frozen shrimp. This is because farmed black tiger shrimp and whiteleg shrimp lack flavor when made into Nigiri sushi. Even though they are frozen shrimp, they are natural shrimp, so they can pass the sushi chef's discernment for quality.

Also called Café brown shrimp.

【Related contents】
What is Meki? Substitute for Kuruma ebi?

List of Prawn (Ebi) and Crab (Kani)

(Revision date: January 10, 2024)

Main production area

San Francisco Bay California to Chile


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