White flesh

A photo of fugu nigiri
Japanese pufferfish (Fugu)

Japanese pufferfish (Fugu)

【Nigiri sushi: Shiromi
What is Fugu?
Many fugu lives in bays in the western Pacific Ocean and the East China Sea. There are about 50 species of pufferfish caught in the seas around Japan, and 22 species are edible, including Tora-fugu (Tiger pufferfish,) Ma-fugu (Japanese pufferfish), Shousai-fugu (Shousai pufferfish), and Karasu-fugu (Chinese pufferfish).

The most delicious of these is the Torafugu, which has a pattern on its skin like a tiger. As the ovaries, liver and intestines are toxic, the Fugu can only be prepared by a licensed chef in a licensed facility. In 2012 the regulations for handling Fugu in Tokyo were relaxed, so it is likely it will be used for Edomae sushi in the future.

What does Fugu (Japanese pufferfish) nigiri sushi taste like?
Because of the very low-fat content of blowfish, you can enjoy its light flavor and fine after taste. The flesh is firm right after it is caught and put away, so it should be set aside for maturing before preparation. The thinly sliced Torafugu is a dish that spreads its flavor as you bite into it. It is eaten in winter. However, that is only true for those caught in the wild. Farmed pufferfish is available all year long.

Also called Tiger puffer or Ocellate puffer or Globefish or Blowfish.

【Substitute fish】
Globefish or Blowfish or Puffer: Takifugu porphyreus (Temminck and Schlegel, 1850)
Globefish or Blowfish or Puffe: Takifugu snyderi (Abe, 1989)
Red-eye puffer: Takifugu chrysops (Hilgendorf)
Striped puffer: Takifugu xanthopterus (Temminck & Schlegel,1850)
Globefish or Blowfish or Puffer: Takifugu stictonotus(Temminck and Schlegel,1850)
Half-smooth golden pufferfish: Lagocephalus spadiceus (Richardson, 1845)
Takifugu chinensis (Abe, 1949)

【Related contents】
Types of Fugu cuisine

What is Shirako?

What is Fugu poison?

Why is Fugu so delicious?

List of White flesh fish (Shiromi)

(Revision date: February 7, 2025)

Main production area

Nagasaki Fukuoka Ehime Yamaguchi

Famous production area

Genkai Sea

