When we think of vinegar, a sour taste immediately comes to mind, but vinegar is not only sour, it also contains a variety of ingredients and has a mild taste. There are also many different types of vinegar, each with its unique flavor. Just as beer is made from barley and wine from grapes, vinegar has a variety of flavors, aromas, and richness depending on the ingredients.
Acetic acid is the predominant acidity, with other organic acids such as gluconic and citric acid also present. It also contains lactic acid, succinic acid, tartaric acid, malic acid, and citric acid, each with a different taste. Lactic acid has an astringent taste, while citric acid has a refreshing sour taste. These mix to form a complex sour taste. Adding even more variety to the sourness are the ingredients that the raw materials originally contained, such as sweetness, umami, richness, and aroma. Rice vinegar is particularly rich in carbohydrates and proteins, while black vinegar is rich in amino acids and various organic acids. These diverse flavors combine to create the flavor of vinegar.
By the way, we believe that what is required of vinegar used for sushi rice (vinegared rice) are two contradictory characteristics: refreshing and full-bodied. When sushi chefs prioritize richness, they use red vinegar or black vinegar with high amino acid content. However, this is a far cry from the light and refreshing taste that was originally sought in nigiri sushi. Therefore, sushi chefs try to solve the contradictory problem by mixing kinds of vinegar.
Various studies have also found amino acids such as glutamic acid, peptides, fat, glycogen, and alliin as substances that strengthen the richness. To make delicious nigiri sushi, the ingredients of sushi toppings and condiments must also be taken into consideration. It is not enough to focus only on vinegar. Of course, sushi chefs are not food researchers, so they have never conducted a quantitative analysis of amino acid content.
According to papers on the taste of vinegar by Masao Fujimaki, professor emeritus at the University of Tokyo, Ryuzo Ueda, associate professor at Osaka University, and Hiroshi Masai of Mizkan, amino acids exhibit a variety of flavors and are closely related to the unique taste of various foods. It is said that there are more than 20 kinds of amino acids that make up proteins, and 17 kinds of free amino acids exist in vinegar, which affects the taste of each vinegar.
The papers on the taste of vinegar
Rice vinegar is composed mainly of more than 10 amino acids, including glutamic acid, arginic acid, and aspartic acid. Among them, glutamic acid produces a delicious taste. Glutamic acid not only makes vinegar tasty but also works synergistically with the umami component to make nigiri sushi even tastier. Furthermore, the amino acid also acts on the slight sweetness of the vinegar and makes the overall taste milder and milder. In this respect, it can be said that the taste of rice vinegar is determined by the amount of amino acids present in the vinegar.
Although the amount of rice used as a raw material and the characteristics of the alcohol added during the production process are also important factors in increasing amino acids, at least standing fermentation (or static Fermentation) is a particularly important condition. Therefore, we surveyed Japanese vinegar manufacturers that use standing fermentation. Many sushi chefs use these vinegars. However, which vinegar is used as the main ingredient and what it is mixed with is, of course, a trade secret. And for fish preparation, vinegar made from brewing alcohol and containing almost no amino acids produced by fast fermentation is more refreshing. Again, it is not just a matter of focusing on the amount of amino acids.
List of Japanese Vinegar Manufacturers using Standing fermentation
Marusho vinegar (合名会社 丸正酢醸造元)
Establishment: 1879
TEL: +81-735-52-0038
Address:271 Tenma, Nachikatsuura-cho, Higashimuro-gun, Wakayama prefecture 〒649-5331
HP: Marusho vinegar
#standing fermentation
Kobara vinegar (合名会社 河原酢造)
Establishment: 1823
TEL: +81-779-66-3275
Address:8-25 Yoshi, Ono-shi, Fukui prefecture 〒912-0401
HP: Kobara vinegar
Products: Yuuki Junmai vinegar Robai
#standing fermentation
Totsuka Vinegar Brewery (戸塚醸造店)
Establishment: 2005
TEL: +81-554-56-7431
253 Natsukari, Tsuru-shi, Yamanashi prefecture
#standing fermentation
Okuno zyouzou (株式会社 奥野醸造)
Establishment: –
TEL: +81-224-51-8891
Address:44 Aza Hayashi, Oaza Irimada, Shibata-cho, Shibata-gun, Miyagi prefecture 〒989
HP: Okuno zyouzou
Products: Junmai vinegar
#standing fermentation
Tobaya vinegar (株式会社とば屋酢店)
Establishment: 1710
TEL: +81-770-56-1514
Address:6-2, Higashiichiba 34, Obama City, Fukui Prefecture 〒917-0232
HP: Tobaya vinegar
Contact: support@tobaya.com
Products: Junmai brewed vinegarTsubonosu
#standing fermentation
Takano vinegar (株式会社高野酢造)
Establishment: –
TEL: +81-76-273-1188
Address:103, Tsurugi Okuni-machi Ho, Hakusan City, Ishikawa prefecture 〒920-2133
HP: Takano vinegar
Contact: https://takano-su.co.jp/inquiry/inquiry.php
Products: Hakubai
#standing fermentation
Tankai vinegar (淡海酢有限会社)
Establishment: –
TEL: +81-740-36-0018
Address:1403 Katsuno, Takashima-shi, Shiga prefecture〒520-1121
HP: Tankai vinegar
Products: Rice vinegar Ginjo
#standing fermentation
Mikura vinegar (株式会社トーエー)
TEL: +81-5979-3-1660
Address: 2266 Atawa, Mihama-cho, Minamimuro-gun, Mie prefecture 〒519-5204
HP: Mikura vinegar
Contact: https://mikurasu.jp/en/contact
Products: White Vinegar Gekka, Red Vinegar Akane
#standing fermentation
Onomichi vinegar (尾道造酢株式会社)
Establishment: 1582
TEL: +81-848-37-4597
Address: 1-5-2 Kubo, Onomichi City, Hiroshima prefecture 〒722-0045
HP: Onomichi vinegar
Contact: https://kakuhoshisu-onomiti.com/contact.php
Products: Rice vinegar, Pure Red vineager
#standing fermentation
Imakawa vinegar (今川酢造)
Establishment: 1923
TEL: +81-76-241-4020
Address: 3-19-1 Nomachi, Kanazawa City, Ishikawa prefecture 〒921-8031
HP: Imakawa vinegar
Contact: https://www.imakawa.com/inquiry/
Products: Marusan Junmai vinegar
#standing fermentation
Iio Jozo (株式会社飯尾醸造)
Establishment: 1893
TEL: +81- 772-25-0015
Address: 373 Odasyukuno, Miyazu-shi, Kyoto-fu 〒626-0052
HP: Iio Jozo
Contact: fujisu@iio-jozo.co.jp
Products: Pure rice vinegar Fujisu, Pure rice vinegar Premium
#Stationary fermentation
Yokoi vinegar (横井醸造工業株式会社)
Establishment: 1937
TEL: +81- 3522-1111
Address: 4-2-17 Shinkiba, Koto-ku, Tokyo 〒136-0082
HP: Yokoi vinegar
Contact: https://yokoi-vinegar.com/contact-us
Products: Kinsho etc.
#standing fermentation
Kisaichi Brewing (私市醸造株式会社)
Establishment: 1922
TEL: +81- 47-443-2511
Address: 6-7-45 Higashi-Michinobe, Kamagaya-shi, Chiba prefecture 〒273-0115
HP: Kisaichi Brewing
Contact: https://kisa1.com/contact/
Products: THE EDOMAE Sushi vinegar
#standing fermentation
Murayama vinegar (村山造酢株式会社)
Establishment: about 1720
TEL: +81-75-761-3151
Address: 3-2, Ohashi Higashi-iru, Sanjo-dori, Higashiyama-ku, Kyoto 〒605-0005
HP: Murayama vinegar
Products: Chidori
#standing fermentation
Mizkan (株式会社 Mizkan)
Establishment: 1804
TEL: +81-569-21-3331
Address: 2-6 Nakamura-cho, Handa, Aichi prefecture 〒475-8585
HP: Mizkan
Contact: https://www.mizkanholdings.com/en/inquiry/
#standing fermentation
Kokonoesaika (株式会社九重雜賀)
Establishment: 1908
TEL: +81-736-66-3160
Address: 142-1, Momoyama-cho Moto, Kinokawa-shi, Wakayama prefecture 〒649-6122
HP: Kokonoesaika
Contact: https://kokonoesaika.co.jp/contacts/
Products: Saika Ginjo Red vinegar
#standing fermentation
Koutarou vinegar (有限会社林孝太郎造酢)
Establishment: –
TEL: +81-75-451-2071
Address: 455 Michimasa-cho, Higashi-iru, Teranouchi-agaru, Shinmachi-dori, Kamigyo-ku, Kyoto-shi, Kyoto 〒602-0004
HP: Koutarou vinegar
Products: Rice vinegar
#standing fermentation
Shoubun vinegar (株式会社庄分酢)
Establishment: 1711
TEL: +81-944-88-1535
Address: 548 Enokizu, Okawa City, Fukuoka Prefecture 〒831-0004
HP: Shoubun vinegar
Products: Shoubun Rice vinegar
#standing fermentation
Ishikawa Industory (石川工業株式会社)
Establishment: 1928
TEL: +81-985-74-0046
Address: 3792 Kamitashima, Sadowara-cho, Miyazaki City, Miyazaki Prefecture 〒880-0301
Products: Yamato vinegar
#standing fermentation
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