There is a Rainbow trout with yellow body color.
This is the Albino rainbow trout.
The Albino has no pigmentation. Other Albino fish have a white body color, but the Rainbow trout has a yellow body color. Since its first discovery in 1956 at the Fisheries Experiment Station in Nagano Prefecture, Japan, experiments conducted by crossbreeding Albino with other Albino or Albino with ordinary Rainbow trout have shown that it is genetically dominant. Pure descendants of the Albino are now being produced in aquaculture farms throughout Japan.
Albino is rarely found in the normal production of Rainbow trout in aquaculture farms. Albino is a mutation of the Rainbow trout that lacks tyrosinase (An enzyme that breaks down tyrosine, a type of amino acid, to produce melanin). This prevents the production of melanin, a black pigment, and causes the trout to turn yellow. The yellowish coloration is thought to be due to the other pigments that remain after the melanin-black pigment is gone.
Normal Albino is genetically recessive, so if both parents are not Albino, their offspring will not be Albino. However, Albino rainbow trout is dominant, so if either male or female parent is an Albino, their offspring will be born as an Albino.
Neither the albino rainbow trout nor the blue rainbow trout is a protective color, so if it were to occur in nature, it would have little chance of surviving due to bird damage.
Albino rainbow trout has little edible value but is released for recreational fishing because of its scarcity. In fish farms, it is sometimes used as a visible indicator of growth. There may be some differences in taste, smell, and texture, but these are within the range of individual differences. And Sushi chefs do not use Albino rainbow trout for sushi.
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Revision date: April 7, 2023
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