Most cases of food poisoning due to cudweed are associated with fresh flatfish for raw consumption (e.g., flatfish sashimi). The infection rate and amount of infection are particularly high in farmed flatfish, which accounts for 60% of the food ingredients that cause kudoa food poisoning.
It is characterized by transient vomiting and diarrhea within a few hours after eating, with symptoms ending in a mild illness. Kudua has been shown to lose its virulence by freezing at -20°C for 4 hours or more, or by heating to a core temperature of 75°C for 5 minutes or more.
Therefore, food poisoning can be prevented by freezing it once and then eating or cooking it.
Related contents:
Studies on Seasonal Changes in Occurrence of Food-Borne Disease Associated with Kudoa septempunctata
We hope this information will be helpful.
Revision date: April 13, 2024
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