What is Whitefin trevally (Kaiwari)?
Whitefin trevally (Kaiwari) is widely distributed in the warm waters of the Indian and Pacific Oceans. It inhabits sandy muddy areas near the seafloor at depths shallower than 200 m, slightly offshore from the coast. The maximum length of this species is about 40 cm.
It is similar to Striped jack (Shima aji) but taller and flatter, so it is also known as Hiraaji (Hira means flat.) among chefs. There is a black stripe between the second dorsal fin and the tail fin. The shape of the tail fin resembles that of a germinating twin leaf, as in the name of the Kaiwari. Its scientific name is Kaiwarinus equula (Temminck and Schlegel, 1844).
What does Whitefin trevally (Kaiwari) sushi taste like?
Whitefin trevally is generally not well known but is well known among anglers, along with its delicious taste. It is not a standard topping for Edomae sushi, but even at the Toyosu market, it comes in from palm-sized fish. Larger fish can be used as sashimi or sushi, but not in large numbers.
The best time for sashimi and sushi is from summer to early fall, before the spawning season. Its flesh is clear and white, and the larger it gets, the tighter and tastier it becomes. It is beautiful when sliced, has a moderate firmness, and a unique flavor that is as good as that of shari, making it a top-quality sushi topping.
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Revision date: April 4, 2023
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